% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το heavyweight
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Τι (ποιος) είναι heavyweight - ορισμός

Heavyweight boxer; Heavyweight boxing; Heavyweight division; Heavyweight (boxing)

A heavyweight is a boxer weighing more than 175 pounds and therefore in the heaviest class.
If you refer to a person or organization as a heavyweight, you mean that they have a lot of influence, experience, and importance in a particular field, subject, or activity.
He was a political heavyweight.
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High-overhead; baroque; code-intensive; featureful, but costly. Especially used of communication protocols, language designs, and any sort of implementation in which maximum generality and/or ease of implementation has been pushed at the expense of mundane considerations such as speed, memory use and startup time. Emacs is a heavyweight editor; X is an *extremely* heavyweight window system. This term isn't pejorative, but one hacker's heavyweight is another's elephantine and a third's monstrosity. Opposite: "lightweight". Usage: now borders on technical especially in the compound "heavyweight process". (1994-12-22)
¦ noun
1. a weight in boxing and other sports, typically the heaviest category.
2. informal a person of influence or importance.
¦ adjective
1. of above-average weight.
2. informal serious, important, or influential.



Heavyweight is a weight class in combat sports and professional wrestling.

Παραδείγματα προφοράς για heavyweight
1. ln the heavyweight division,
Pulp Fiction
2. to most mobile heavyweight apps.
Release Engineering Keynote _ Chuck Rossi _ Talks at Google
3. because it's just a big heavyweight thing
How Anthony Casalena Built and Scaled Squarespace _ Anthony Casalena _ Talks at Google
4. defeated the then-heavyweight-champion Sonny
Leslie Odom Jr. _ 'The Christmas Album' & Beyond _ Talks at Google
5. So the heart is the heavyweight.
Damascena - The Tale of Roses and Rumi _ Holly Payne _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για heavyweight
1. Patterson fought as a light heavyweight until becoming a heavyweight in 1'56.
2. The top eight finishers in the light flyweight to light heavyweight divisions and the top four from the heavyweight and super heavyweight classes qualify for the Olympics.
3. Market heavyweight Samsung Electronics up 2.5 percent.
4. Where does it leave other heavyweight contenders?
5. Another heavyweight, Gazit Globe, actually retreated by 0.6 percent.